
microphone tips

Welcome –
What microphone should you get for 2021.
Well things have not really changed much for the last 4 years in USB microphones.
With so many types, I can say that the type I am using works for me but maybe you heard about XYZ model and that’s cool. Ask around and you will find that like professional singers have multiple microphones.
Myself one works good for me. It works so good that I got a second one on sale.
Now that is confidence.
Each system setup is different so what works for Joe might not sound good for Carol.
You will need to buy and test that microphone and how it modulates your voice.
Note: Don’t believe that the $2,000 price tag makes it excellent microphone but the $7.00 microphone I would question that quality.



In this quick video I talk about the microphone I use and why and what extras you should buy and why.
One tip is microphone placement which should be about 8 inches away from your mouth like a singer.
The other tip is look at getting an arm to mount on your desk so the microphone is above you like a radio announcer. Hey if it works for them must be good right.

Plus another product I use but you will need to watch to see more about that.
Hope this has helped & Thanks for reading


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